(美国政府为低收入者修建的)公共住房 (in the US) houses and flats/apartments that are built by the government for people who do not have enough money to pay for private accommodation
Local public housing authorities disagree with this reading of the law. 当地的公共住房管理当局不同意对该法律的这种解读。
Two more aluminium window frames fell from public housing blocks in Kwai Chung and Yau Ma Tei yesterday. 昨日在葵涌和油麻地的公共屋村再发生两宗铝窗飞坠事件。
It is based on the public housing policy in Hong Kong, which was launched in 1993. 该计划以1993年发布的香港公共住房政策为基础。
The low-income minority children from public housing all started with similar math scores. 住在公租屋的低收入少数族裔家庭的孩子,一开始的时候数学分数相当。
He announced one-time items that included tax breaks on salaries and profits; increased funding for small and medium-size companies; increased welfare payments for the poor and the elderly; and a one-month rent waiver for low-income tenants of public housing. 他宣布了一些一次性的措施,包括针对薪俸和利润的税收减免、增加对中小型公司的资助、提高对穷困人口和老人的福利救济,以及减免公租房低收入租户一个月的房租。
In return, the company publicly promised to build railways, airports and public housing. 作为回报,中国-津巴布韦发展有限公司承诺建设铁路、机场和公共住房。
We will build enough public housing for all the workers. 我们要建足够的公租房,让所有工人都有房住。
Study on the Policy and Government Administration Issue about the Public Housing 保障性住房政策及政府行政管理问题研究
Design Analysis and Inspiration of Hong Kong Public Housing to Economically Affordable Housing in China 香港公屋单体设计的分析及对我国保障性住房建设的启发
A scheme to build new public housing for sale at below-market prices has been frozen. 建造新的公共住房、并低于市场价出售的计划已遭冻结。
In China, this would mean raising spending on public housing and infrastructure. 对于中国,这意味着增加公共住房和基础设施支出。
Lai Tak Tsuen, a public housing estate home to largely low-income families and the elderly living on government pensions, is an exception. 励德邨(LaiTakTsuen)则是个例外。这是个公共住宅区,住户主要是低收入家庭和靠政府养老金生活的老年人。
Even in the face of financial constraints, we remain committed to public housing. 即使面对财政紧绌的情况,我们依然对公营房屋作出承担。
Other private and public housing and commercial developments are in progress. 西九龙填海区内的其他发展工程已在进行中,其中包括私人屋苑、公共房屋及商业楼宇。
The first group of affordable public housing tenants in Shenyang moved into their new homes yesterday. 沈阳市保障性住房第一批住户昨天喜迁新居。
Investment will continue to be underpinned by 1 00000 ongoing infrastructure projects and an accelerated public housing construction programme. 正在进行的10万个基建项目以及加速建设保障性住房项目,都将继续支持投资增长。
Reviewing the development intensity in public housing projects to enhance the living environment and cost-effectiveness within permitted plot ratio. 检讨公共屋的发展密度,以期在符合核准地积比率的情况下改善居住环境,提高成本效益。
They often cannot use public schools and clinics, and they are barred from public housing. 他们通常无法享受公立学校和公立诊所的服务,也被公共住房拒之门外。
Mixed development is a means to encourage further private sector involvement in the public housing programme. 混合发展是鼓励私营机构进一步参与公营房屋计划的方法之一。
The Asia financial crisis and the SARS epidemic were devastating blows to the territory in 1998 and 2002 respectively, but public policy controlling the supply of land and the provision of public housing was widely blamed for exacerbating and prolonging the property market decline. 亚洲金融危机和非典(sars)疫情分别在1998年和2002年对香港造成了毁灭性打击,但人们普遍将控制土地供应和公屋供应的公共政策归咎为加剧并延长房地产市场滑坡的罪魁祸首。
Experts analyzed: maintenance funds to the public housing who should assume control? 专家解析:住房公共维修资金到底该归谁管?
Whether in the network or the public survey, public housing," attention "is always among the best. 不管是在网络上还是各项民情调查,公众对住房问题的“关注度”始终名列前茅。
To win mandates on plum infrastructure projects such as public housing and transport, lenders have relaxed standards. 为了赢得优质基础设施项目(如公共住房和交通)的业务,银行放宽了标准。
It plans and builds public housing for rent or sale to low income people. 房屋委员会负责策划和兴建公营房屋,把公屋出租或出售给低收入人士。
Most people here live in public housing units. 这儿大多数的人都居住在公共的单元房里。
We'll plunk for more public housing. 我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。
Engineering infrastructure has been provided to cater for private and public housing and associated community facilities. 这些土地已具备基础设施,以配合私人和公共房屋及相关社区设施的需要。
Land development at this site is being carried out for public housing. 这个地方正在为公共住房进行土地开发。
I lost the public housing lottery again this time. 我这次又没抽到安居住宅。
Facing mounting discontent at high house prices, it has announced a huge push to build public housing, including flats that can be rented by low-income families. 面对民间对房价高企日益高涨的不满情绪,北京宣布了大举推进公共住房建设的计划,包括可让低收入家庭租用的公寓。